Source code for surf.resource

# Copyright (c) 2009, Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI),
# NUI Galway
# All rights reserved.

# author: Cosmin Basca
# email:

# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
# are met:
#    * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
#      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
#    * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
#      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
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#    * Neither the name of DERI nor the
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from surf.namespace import get_namespace_url, get_prefix, OWL, all, RDF_TYPE
from surf.rdf import BNode, ClosedNamespace, ConjunctiveGraph, Graph, Literal
from surf.rdf import Namespace, RDF, RDFS, URIRef
from surf.resource.lazy import LazyResourceLoader
from surf.resource.result_proxy import ResultProxy
from surf.serializer import to_json
from import NO_CONTEXT, Store
from surf.util import attr2rdf, namespace_split, rdf2attr
from surf.util import uri_to_class, uuid_subject, value_to_rdf
from collections import defaultdict

__author__ = 'Cosmin Basca'

class ResourceMeta(type):
    def __new__(mcs, classname, bases, class_dict):
        if 'uri' not in class_dict:
            # default to an OWL:Thing if no uri is specified ...
            class_dict['uri'] = OWL.Thing
        return super(ResourceMeta, mcs).__new__(mcs, classname, bases, class_dict)

    def __ne__(self, other):
        """ The inverse of :meth:`__eq__`. """
        return not self.__eq__(other)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        """ Return True if the two `resources` have the same `subject` and
        are both of type `Resource`, False otherwise.


        if isinstance(other, ResourceMeta):
            return self.uri == other.uri

        return False

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(self.uri)

    def __getattr__(self, attr_name):
        Find `instances` of the current Class that extends `Resource`,
        the `instances` are selected from the values of the specified
        predicate (`attr_name`).

        For now these are not persisted in the `Resource` class - next time
        the method is called the instances are retrieved from the `store` again.


        if attr_name == "session":
            return None

        # Don't want to reimplement Resource.__getattr__.
        # Instantiate this class as instance of owl:Class and
        # proxy to its __getattr__.

        # If this method gets used often, we'll need to add caching
        # for self_as_instance.

        self_as_instance = self._instance(self.uri, [OWL.Class])
        return getattr(self_as_instance, attr_name)

[docs]class Resource(object): """ The Resource class, represents the transparent proxy object that exposes sets of RDF triples under the form of <s,p,o> and <s',p,s> as an object in python. One can create resource directly by instantiating this class, but it is advisable to use the session to do so, as the session will create subclasses of Resource based on the <s,rdf:type,`concept`> pattern. Triples that constitute a resource can be accessed via Resource instance attributes. SuRF uses the following naming convention for attribute names: *nsprefix_predicate*. Attribute name examples: "rdfs_label", "foaf_name", "owl_Class". Resource instance attributes can be set and get. If get, they will be structures of type :class:`surf.resource.value.LazyResourceLoader`. This class is subclass of `list` (to handle situations when there are several triples with the same subject and predicate but different objects) and have some some special features. Since `LazyResourceLoader` is subtype of list, it can be iterated, sliced etc. :meth:`surf.resource.value.LazyResourceLoader.first` will return first element of list or `None` if list is empty:: >>> resource.foaf_knows = [URIRef("http://p1"), URIRef("http://p2")] >>> resource.foaf_knows.first rdflib.URIRef('http://p1') :meth:`` will return first element of list or will raise if list is empty or has more than one element:: >>> resource.foaf_knows = [URIRef("http://p1"), URIRef("http://p2")] >>> Traceback (most recent call last): .... Exception: list has more elements than one When setting resource attribute, it will accept about anything and translate it to `LazyResourceLoader`. Attribute can be set to instance of `URIRef`:: >>> resource.foaf_knows = URIRef("http://p1") >>> resource.foaf_knows [rdflib.URIRef('http://p1')] Attribute can be set to list or tuple:: >>> resource.foaf_knows = (URIRef("http://p1"), URIRef("http://p2")) >>> resource.foaf_knows [rdflib.Literal(u'http://p1', lang=rdflib.URIRef('http://p2'))] Attribute can be set to string, integer, these will be converted into instances of `Literal`:: >>> resource.foaf_name = "John" >>> resource.foaf_name [rdflib.Literal(u'John')] Attribute can be set to another SuRF resource. Values of different types can be mixed:: >>> resource.foaf_knows = (URIRef("http://p1"), another_resource) >>> resource.foaf_knows [rdflib.URIRef('http://p1'), <surf.session.FoafPerson object at 0xad049cc>] """ __metaclass__ = ResourceMeta _dirty_instances = set() def __init__(self, subject = None, block_auto_load = False, context = None, namespace = None): """ Initialize a Resource, with the `subject` (a URI - either a string or a URIRef). If ``subject`` is None than a unique subject will be generated using the :func:`surf.util.uuid_subject` function. If ``namespace`` is specified, generated subject will be in that namespace. ``block_auto_load`` will prevent the resource from autoloading all rdf attributes associated with the subject of the resource. """ if subject is None: subject = uuid_subject(namespace) elif not type(subject) in [URIRef, BNode]: subject = URIRef(subject) self.__subject = subject if context == NO_CONTEXT: self.__context = None elif context: self.__context = URIRef(unicode(context)) elif self.session and self.store_key: self.__context = self.session[self.store_key].default_context self.__expired = False self.__rdf_direct = defaultdict(list) self.__rdf_direct[RDF_TYPE].append(self.uri) self.__rdf_inverse = defaultdict(list) self.__namespaces = all() # __full_direct and __full_inverse are set to true after doing full load. # These are used by __getattr__ to decide if it's worth to query # triplestore. self.__full_direct = False self.__full_inverse = False if self.session: if not self.store_key: self.store_key = self.session.default_store_key if self.session.auto_load and not block_auto_load: self.load() subject = property(lambda self: self.__subject) """ The subject of the resource. """ namespaces = property(fget = lambda self: self.__namespaces) """ The namespaces. """ def set_dirty(self, dirty): if not isinstance(dirty, bool): raise ValueError('Value must be of type bool not <%s>' % type(dirty)) # Setting dirty to "True" means: # adding this instance to "dirty_instances" set if dirty and not self in self._dirty_instances: self._dirty_instances.add(self) # Setting dirty to "False" means: # removing this instance from "dirty_instances" set if not dirty and self in self._dirty_instances: self._dirty_instances.remove(self) def get_dirty(self): return self in self._dirty_instances dirty = property(fget = get_dirty, fset = set_dirty) """ Reflects the `dirty` state of the resource. """ rdf_direct = property(fget = lambda self: self.__rdf_direct) """ Direct predicates (`outgoing` predicates). """ rdf_inverse = property(fget = lambda self: self.__rdf_inverse) """ Inverse predicates (`incoming` predicates). """ def __set_context(self, value): if not isinstance(value, URIRef): value = URIRef(value) self.__context = value context = property(fget = lambda self: self.__context, fset = __set_context) """ Context (graph) where triples constituting this resource reside in. In case of SPARQL and SPARUL, "context" is the same thing as "graph". Effects of having context set: - When resource as whole or its individual attributes are loaded, triples will be only loaded from this context. - When resource is saved, triples will be saved to this context. - When existence of resource is checked (:meth:`is_present`), only triples in this context will be considered. `context` attribute would be usually set by `store` or `session` when instantiating resource, but it can also be set or changed on already instantiated resource. Here is an inefficient but workable example of how to move resource from one context to another:: Person = surf.ns.FOAF["Person"] john_uri = "http://example/john" old_graph_uri = URIRef("http://example/old_graph") new_graph_uri = URIRef("http://example/new_graph") instance = session.get_resource(john_uri, Person, old_graph_uri) instance.context = new_graph_uri # Now john is saved in the new graph but we still have to delete it # from the old graph. instance = session.get_resource(john_uri, Person, old_graph_uri) instance.remove() """ @classmethod def _instance(cls, subject, uris, context = None, store = None, block_auto_load = True): """ Create an instance from the `subject` and it's associated `concept` (`uris`) URIs. Only the first `concept` URI is considered for inheritance. """ # uris is list of rdf:type URIs for this instance. # If there are none, don't instantiate Resource, return URIRef. if not uris: return subject # Don't have reference to session, cannot instantiate Resource if not cls.session: return None uri = uris[0] # uris might be an iterator, but we want each # element from it as separate argument, so # converting to list. classes = map(uri_to_class, list(uris[1:])) return cls.session.map_instance(uri, subject, classes = classes, block_auto_load = block_auto_load, context = context, store = store) @classmethod def _lazy(cls, value): """ Do `lazy` instantiation of rdf predicates value is a dictionary {val:[concept,concept,...]}, returns an instance of `Resource`. """ attr_value = [] for r in value: inst = r if isinstance(value[r], Resource) : inst = value[r] elif type(r) in [URIRef, BNode]: inst = cls._instance(r, value[r]) attr_value.append(inst) return attr_value
[docs] def bind_namespaces(self, *namespaces): """ Bind the `namespace` to the `resource`. Useful for pretty serialization of the resource. """ for ns in namespaces: if type(ns) in [str, unicode]: self.__namespaces[ns] = get_namespace_url(ns) elif type(ns) in [Namespace, ClosedNamespace]: self.__namespaces[get_prefix(ns)] = ns
[docs] def bind_namespaces_to_graph(self, graph): """ Bind the 'resources' registered namespaces to the supplied `graph`. """ if graph is not None: for prefix in self.namespaces: graph.namespace_manager.bind(prefix, self.namespaces[prefix])
[docs] def get_dirty_instances(cls): """ Return all the unsaved (dirty) `instances` of type `Resource`. """ return cls._dirty_instances
[docs] def to_rdf(cls, value): """ Convert any value to it's appropriate `rdflib` construct. """ if hasattr(value, 'subject'): return value.subject return value_to_rdf(value)
#TODO: add the auto_persist feature... def __setattr__(self, name, value): """ The `set` method - responsible for *caching* the `value` to the corresponding object attribute given by `name`. .. note: This method sets the state of the resource to *dirty* (the `resource` will be persisted if the `commit` `session` method is called). """ def prepare_getvalues_callable(values, rdf_values): """ Return callable that returns stored values for this attr. """ def getvalues_callable(): """ Return stored values for this attribute. """ return values, rdf_values return getvalues_callable predicate, direct = attr2rdf(name) if predicate: rdf_dict = direct and self.__rdf_direct or self.__rdf_inverse if not isinstance(value, list): value = [value] rdf_dict[predicate] = [] rdf_dict[predicate].extend([self.to_rdf(val) for val in value]) self.dirty = True if type(value) is LazyResourceLoader: pass else: if type(value) not in [list, tuple]: value = [value] value = map(value_to_rdf, value) getvalues_callable = prepare_getvalues_callable(value, rdf_dict[predicate]) value = LazyResourceLoader(getvalues_callable, self, name) object.__setattr__(self, name, value) def __setitem__(self, attr_name, value): """ Dictionary-style attribute access. """ if isinstance(attr_name, URIRef): attr_name = rdf2attr(attr_name, True) return setattr(self, attr_name, value) #TODO: add the auto_persist feature... def __delattr__(self, attr_name): """ The `del` method - responsible for deleting the attribute of the object given by `attr_name` .. note:: This method sets the state of the resource to *dirty* (the `resource` will be persisted if the `commit` `session` method is called) """ predicate, direct = attr2rdf(attr_name) if predicate: #value = self.__getattr__(attr_name) rdf_dict = direct and self.__rdf_direct or self.__rdf_inverse rdf_dict[predicate] = [] self.dirty = True object.__delattr__(self, attr_name) def __delitem__(self, attr_name): """ Dictionary-style attribute access. """ if isinstance(attr_name, URIRef): attr_name = rdf2attr(attr_name, True) return delattr(self, attr_name) # TODO: reuse already existing instances - CACHED # TODO: should we raise an error when predicate not foud ? or just return # TODO: we need to define what Predicate Not Found means ! def __getattr__(self, attr_name): """ Retrieve and cache attribute values. If attribute name is not in the "ns_predicate" form, an `AttributeError` will be raised. This method has no impact on the *dirty* state of the object. """ predicate, direct = attr2rdf(attr_name) if not predicate: raise AttributeError('Not a predicate: %s' % attr_name) # Prepare closure for lazy execution. def prepare_getvalues_callable(resource, predicate, direct, retrieve): """ Return callable that loads and returns values. """ def getvalues_callable(): """ Load and return values for this attribute. """ # Select triple dictionary for synchronization rdf_dict = resource.__rdf_direct if direct else resource.__rdf_inverse # Initial synchronization if retrieve: store = resource.session[resource.store_key] # send request to triple store values = store.get(resource, predicate, direct) if not values: predicate_values = rdf_dict.get(predicate,[]) values.update([(pred_val, []) for pred_val in predicate_values]) # instantiate SuRF objects surf_values = resource._lazy(values) else: surf_values = [] rdf_dict[predicate] = [resource.to_rdf(value) for value in surf_values] return surf_values, rdf_dict[predicate] return getvalues_callable # If resource is fully loaded and we're still here (__getattr__), this must be an empty # attribute, therefore there is no point in querying the triple store ! retrieve_values = (not self.__full_direct) if direct else (not self.__full_inverse) getvalues_callable = prepare_getvalues_callable(self, predicate, direct, retrieve_values) attr_value = LazyResourceLoader(getvalues_callable, self, attr_name) # Not using self.__setattr__, that would trigger loading of attributes # object.__setattr__(self, attr_name, attr_value) super(Resource, self).__setattr__(attr_name, attr_value) self.dirty = False return attr_value def __getitem__(self, attr_name): """ Dictionary-style attribute access. """ if isinstance(attr_name, URIRef): attr_name = rdf2attr(attr_name, True) return getattr(self, attr_name)
[docs] def load(self, direct_only=False, **kwargs): """Load all attributes from the data store. By default, load all attributes from the data store: - direct attributes (where the subject is the subject of the resource) - indirect attributes (where the object is the subject of the resource) If `direct_only` is `False`, don't load inverse attributes (incoming arcs). This can be used as optimization when client knows invese attributes won't be accessed. .. note:: This method resets the *dirty* state of the object. """ results_d = self.session[self.store_key].load(self, True) self.__set_predicate_values(results_d, True) self.__full_direct = True if not direct_only: results_i = self.session[self.store_key].load(self, False) self.__set_predicate_values(results_i, False) self.__full_inverse = True self.dirty = False
def __set_predicate_values(self, results, direct): """ set the prediate - value(s) to the resource using lazy loading, `results` is a dict under the form: {'predicate':{'value':[concept,concept],...},...}. """ for p, v in results.items(): attr = rdf2attr(p, direct) value = self._lazy(v) if value: self.__setattr__(attr, value) @classmethod
[docs] def get_by_attribute(cls, attributes, context = None): """ Retrieve all `instances` from the data store that have the specified `attributes` and are of `rdf:type` of the resource class """ direct_attributes = [] inverse_attributes = [] attribute_uris = [inverse_attributes, direct_attributes] for attribute_name in attributes: attribute_uri, direct = attr2rdf(attribute_name) # Using boolean as array index. attribute_uris[direct].append(attribute_uri) subjects = {} if direct_attributes: subjects.update(cls.session[cls.store_key].instances_by_attribute(cls, direct_attributes, True, context)) if inverse_attributes: subjects.update(cls.session[cls.store_key].instances_by_attribute(cls, inverse_attributes, False, context)) instances = [] for s, types in subjects.items(): if not isinstance(s, URIRef): continue if cls.uri: concepts = [cls.uri] else: concepts = types instances.append(cls._instance(s, concepts)) return instances
@classmethod def __instance_factory(cls, params, instance_data): """ Construct resource from `instance_data`, return it. """ subject, data = instance_data # subject is either URIRef/BNode or Literal and we don't try to turn # literals into SuRF Resources if not isinstance(subject, (URIRef, BNode)): return subject _rdf_type = None # Let's see if rdf:type was specified in query parameters for predicate, value, _ in params.get("get_by", []): # if rdf:type was filtered against several values, # we cannot use it for assigning type. # Check here if value is list-like. if predicate == RDF_TYPE and not hasattr(value, "__iter__"): _rdf_type = value break # In results? if (not _rdf_type and "direct" in data and RDF_TYPE in data["direct"] and data["direct"][RDF_TYPE]): _rdf_type = data["direct"][RDF_TYPE].keys()[0] if _rdf_type is None: # We don't know rdf:type, so cannot instantiate Resource, # return URIRef instead return subject context = params.get("context", None) instance = cls._instance(subject, [_rdf_type], context = context, store = cls.store_key, block_auto_load = False) instance.__set_predicate_values(data.get("direct", {}), True) instance.__set_predicate_values(data.get("inverse", {}), False) full = bool(params.get("full")) direct_only = bool(params.get("direct_only")) instance.__full_direct = full instance.__full_inverse = full and not direct_only # __setattr__ marked it as dirty but it's freshly loaded! instance.dirty = False return instance @classmethod
[docs] def all(cls): """ Retrieve all or limited number of `instances`. """ if not hasattr(cls, 'uri') or cls == Resource: return [] store = cls.session[cls.store_key] proxy = ResultProxy(store = store, instance_factory = cls.__instance_factory) return proxy.get_by(rdf_type = cls.uri)
[docs] def get_by(cls, **filters): """ Retrieve all instances that match specified filters and class. Filters are specified as keyword arguments, argument names follow SuRF naming convention (they take form `namespace_name`). Example:: >>> Person = session.get_class(surf.ns.FOAF['Person']) >>> johns = Person.get_by(foaf_name = u"John") """ if not hasattr(cls, "uri") or cls == Resource: return [] store = cls.session[cls.store_key] filters = filters.copy() # Client specified rdf_type(s) override our own. if not "rdf_type" in filters: filters["rdf_type"] = cls.uri proxy = ResultProxy(store = store, instance_factory= cls.__instance_factory) return proxy.get_by(**filters)
[docs] def query_attribute(self, attribute_name): """ Return ResultProxy for querying attribute values. """ # If we want to get john.foaf_knows values, we have to formulate # query like friends = get_by(is_foaf_knows_of = john), thus the # attribute name inversion uri, direct = attr2rdf(attribute_name) # We'll be using inverse_attribute_name as keyword argument. # Python 2.6.2 and older don't allow unicode keyword arguments, # so we revert back to str(). inverse_attribute_name = str(rdf2attr(uri, not direct)) store = self.session[self.store_key] proxy = ResultProxy(store = store, instance_factory= self.__instance_factory) kwargs = {inverse_attribute_name : self.subject} return proxy.get_by(**kwargs)
[docs] def serialize(self, format = 'xml', direct = False): """ Return a serialized version of the internal graph represenatation of the resource, the format is the same as expected by rdflib's graph serialize method supported formats: - **n3** - **xml** - **json** (internal serializer) - **nt** - **turtle** """ graph = self.graph(direct = direct) if format == 'json': return to_json(graph) return graph.serialize(format = format)
[docs] def graph(self, direct = True): """ Return an `rdflib` `ConjunctiveGraph` represenation of the current `resource` """ graph = ConjunctiveGraph() self.bind_namespaces_to_graph(graph) graph.add((self.subject, RDF['type'], self.uri)) for predicate in self.__rdf_direct: for value in self.__rdf_direct[predicate]: if type(value) in [URIRef, Literal, BNode]: graph.add((self.subject, predicate, value)) if not direct: for predicate in self.__rdf_inverse: for value in self.__rdf_inverse[predicate]: if type(value) in [URIRef, Literal, BNode]: graph.add((value, predicate, self.subject)) return graph
def __str__(self): """ Return `string` representation of the resource. """ return '{%s : %s}' % (unicode(self.subject), unicode(self.uri))
[docs] def save(self): """ Save the `resource` to the data `store`. """ self.session[self.store_key].save(self)
[docs] def remove(self, inverse = False): """ Remove the `resource` from the data `store`. """ self.session[self.store_key].remove(self, inverse = inverse)
[docs] def update(self): """ Update the resource in the data `store`. This method does not remove other triples related to it (the inverse triples of type <s',p,s>, where s is the `subject` of the `resource`) """ self.session[self.store_key].update(self)
[docs] def is_present(self): """ Return True if the `resource` is present in data `store`. Resource is assumed to be present if there is at least one triple having ``subject`` of this resource as subject. """ return self.session[self.store_key].is_present(self)
formats = {'n3': 'text/rdf+n3', 'nt': 'text/plain', 'turtle':'application/turtle', 'xml':'application/rdf+xml', }
[docs] def load_from_source(self, data = None, file = None, location = None, format = None): """ Load the `resource` from a source (uri, file or string rdf data). """ graph = ConjunctiveGraph() if format is None: format = 'application/rdf+xml' elif format in self.formats: format = self.formats[format] graph.parse(data = data, file = file, location = location, format = format) self.set(graph)
[docs] def set(self, graph): """ Load the `resource` from a `graph`. The `graph` must be a `rdflib` `ConjunctiveGraph` or `Graph` .. note: Currently the method does not support *lazy loading* as `load` does. """ #TODO: must make this __lazy ... see how attrs = {} for s, p, o in graph: attr_name = None value = None if unicode(s) == unicode(self.subject): attr_name = rdf2attr(p, True) #value = self.__lazy([o]) value = o elif unicode(o) == unicode(self.subject): attr_name = rdf2attr(p, False) #value = self.__lazy([s]) value = s if attr_name: if attr_name not in attrs: attrs[attr_name] = value elif attr_name in attrs and type(attrs[attr_name]) is not list: attrs[attr_name] = [attrs[attr_name]] attrs[attr_name].append(value) else: attrs[attr_name].append(value) for attr_name in attrs: setattr(self, attr_name, attrs[attr_name])
[docs] def namespace(cls): """ Return the `namespace` of the currenlt Resources class type. """ if cls.uri: return namespace_split(cls.uri)[0] return None
[docs] def concept(cls, subject, store = None): """ Return the Resources `concept` uri (type). If parameter ``store`` is specified, concept will be retrieved from there. If resource was retrieved via session, it contains reference to store it was retrieved from and this reference will be used. Otherwise, `sessions` `default_store` will be used to retrieve the `concept`. """ if store is None: if cls.store_key is None: store = cls.session.default_store_key else: store = cls.store_key return cls.session[store].concept(subject)
[docs] def rest_api(cls, resources_namespace): """ Return a :class:`` class responsible for exposing **REST** api functions for integration into REST aware web frameworks. .. note:: The REST API was modeled according to the `pylons` model but it is generic enough to eb used in other frameworks. """ from import Rest if cls.session: return Rest(resources_namespace, cls) raise Exception("not a known resource (no concept uri), cannot expose REST api")
def __ne__(self, other): """ The inverse of :meth:`__eq__`. """ return not self.__eq__(other) def __eq__(self, other): """ Return True if the two `resources` have the same `subject` and are both of type `Resource`, False otherwise. """ if isinstance(other, Resource): return self.subject == other.subject return False def __hash__(self): return hash(self.subject)